- Casual Dining Restaurants, Elon
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Elon
- Christian Churches, Elon
- Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, Elon
- Churches 1 Of 3, Elon
- Churches 2 Of 3, Elon
- City & County Government, Elon
- Clinics, Elon
- CNC Machine Shop, Elon
- Colleges & Universities, Elon
- Commercial Equipment, Elon
- Communications Services, Elon
- Community & Recreational Facilities, Elon
- Community Church, Elon
- Community Churches, Elon
- Community Services, Elon
- Concrete Contractors, Elon - Concrete Construction & Concrete Companies
- Construction, Elon
- Construction Companies, Elon
- Construction Services, Elon
- Consultants & Services, Elon
- Convenience Stores, Elon
- Cranes Hoisting & Rigging Service, Elon - Crane Rental Service
- Curtains, Drapes & Window Treatments and Coverings, Elon - Drapery & Upholstery Fabric Stores