- Warehousing & Storage, Shallotte - Warehouse Services
- Washing Machine & Dryer Repair & Service, Shallotte
- Waste & Refuse Services & Sites, Shallotte
- Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repair, Shallotte
- Water Transportation, Except Passenger, Shallotte
- Water Well Drilling Contractors, Shallotte
- Wedding & Bridal Services, Shallotte
- Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Shallotte
- Welding & Welder, Shallotte - Welding Supplies, Machines, Equipment, Services & Contractors
- Welding Supplies & Equipment, Shallotte
- Well Drilling Contractors, Shallotte
- Wheelchair Renting & Leasing, Shallotte
- Wheelchairs, Shallotte
- Wheelchairs Ramps, Lift & Scooters, Shallotte
- Wigs, Toupees & Hair Products Stores, Shallotte
- Will And Trust Attorneys & Lawyers, Shallotte
- Window Tinting & Glass Coating - Security & Protective, Shallotte
- Windows and Doors, Shallotte - Wholesale, Manufacturers & Suppliers
- Wireless & Cellular Communications Equipment & Supplies, Shallotte
- Women s Clothing Stores, Shallotte - Clothes & Accessories
- Women's Fashion Accessories, Shallotte - Handbags, Wallets, Scarves, Belts, Necklace, Bracelets, Earrings and more
- Woodworking Contractors, Shallotte - Carpentry Contractors