- Cabinets & Cabinet Hardware, Swannanoa
- Cabinets Refacing, Refinishing & Building, Swannanoa - Kitchen, Bathroom, Medicine, Storage & Custom Cabinets Contractors
- Campgrounds, Swannanoa
- Car Detailing & Wash Service, Swannanoa - Auto Detailing
- Carpet & Carpet Equipment & Supplies Dealers, Swannanoa
- Carpet & Rug Pads Lining & Accessories, Swannanoa
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Swannanoa
- Cars, Truck, Van & SUV Car Dealerships, Swannanoa - Auto Dealers
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Swannanoa
- Caterers Food Services, Swannanoa
- Catholic Churches, Swannanoa
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Equipment & Systems Installation, Repair & Service, Swannanoa
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Service, Swannanoa
- Central American Restaurants, Swannanoa
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Swannanoa
- Child Related Social Services, Swannanoa
- Chinese Restaurants, Swannanoa
- Christian Churches, Swannanoa
- Church Of Christ, Swannanoa
- Churches 1 Of 3, Swannanoa
- Churches 2 Of 3, Swannanoa
- Cigar, Cigarette & Tobacco Store & Supplies, Swannanoa
- City & County Administrative Agencies, Swannanoa
- City & County Government, Swannanoa
- Clinics, Swannanoa
- CNC Machine Shop, Swannanoa
- Colleges & Universities, Swannanoa
- Commercial Equipment, Swannanoa
- Commercial Printing, Swannanoa
- Commercial Printing Manufacturers, Swannanoa
- Commodity & Merchandise Storage & Warehouse, Swannanoa - Warehousing
- Communications Services, Swannanoa
- Community & Recreational Facilities, Swannanoa
- Community Centers, Swannanoa
- Community Services, Swannanoa
- Computer & Audio Visual Services, Swannanoa
- Computer & Laptop Repair, Swannanoa - PC Repair Services
- Computer Repair, Swannanoa
- Computer System Consultants, Swannanoa - IT Consulting Services
- Computer System Designers & Consultants, Swannanoa
- Concrete, Swannanoa - Cement & Concrete Products, Suppliers, Companies
- Concrete & Cement, Swannanoa
- Concrete Product Manufacturers, Swannanoa
- Construction, Swannanoa
- Construction Services, Swannanoa
- Consultants & Services, Swannanoa
- Convenience Stores, Swannanoa
- Copying & Duplicating Services, Swannanoa
- Cosmetics & Perfumes Outlets, Swannanoa